PoluSim is the complete hub for enterprise strategic forecasting. It provides a single location to interact with universally consistent sales and demand driver data, view statistically robust and managerially relevant outlooks, and plan scenarios for sales at a monthly and yearly level.
The product increases accuracy, reduces cost, and speeds up decision making.
PoluSim: From Polus in Greek mythology, the Titan of intelligence and query, and Simulator.
Planning process is based on rigorous methods and statistics refined over the past 20 years
Strategic decisions come from a systematized process that ensures every issue is considered for all users
Planning is easily repeatable and updateable to be optimized each year
Scenario considerations take minutes instead of weeks
Changes can be made in days to strategic plans so when the world changes so can strategy
Replace the need to manually use Excel and PowerPoint to source prior information
Data can be used within the platform and for any other uses within the company
Latest information is always available without any worry for version control
We make sure new data before it is added to the product so it is always consistent
We recommend 3 options for getting started:
Ask for a demo to learn how PoluSim works and can help
Let us review your strategic materials and we suggest an approach after we have signed an NDA
Contact us to see if PoluSim can address a specific challenge you’re facing
Get a demo to see how PoluSim can help your business. In 30 minutes, you will: 1) Learn actionable insights about leveraging new strategic tools 2) See our PoluSim product in action 3) Get insights from experts in incorporating PoluSim into strategic decisions