Strategic solutions delivered
Where we have on-the-ground work expertise
Of the 20 largest consumer goods companies trust our team
Tellusant is recognized among the world’s largest consumer goods companies for its expertise in the strategic and commercial areas. We have an installed base with subscribers and clients in more than 100 countries.
Our leadership comes from a global strategy consulting background has strong academic credentials in our field
All of our work and products are grounded in detailed knowledge of consumer classes sub-nationally across the world
We provide the world’s only globally harmonized consumer classes (disposable income by income and age brackets, socioeconomic class sizes, and much more) data hub covering more than 27,000 geographic entities from 2000 till 2050.
We combine this with exceptional statistical analysis and predictive artificial intelligence to create the most robust prediction tools possible
A specialty is our strategic forecasting solution. It has a 3- to 5-year horizon and is used for strategic planning, as compared to operational forecasts with up to a 1-year horizon.
This makes us unique in the world in building robust predictive strategy optimization solutions, suitable for global corporations. Predictions, not templates.
Access the world's most advanced globally relevant distributional consumer data. Get the information needed to provide a unique edge versus the competition
View consumers across levels of consumer classes and age with a harmonized understanding across cities, subnational divisions, markets, and years. You can further supplement survey data for comprehensive view of consumer dynamics.
Learn more about TelluBase
Instantaneously view and alter strategic forecasts for any complexity of portfolio. Have confidence in forecasts by seeing reliability of models, and view and plan for alternative competitive and economic scenarios.
See what different types of consumers by age and income level can afford based on pricing, and map out an optimal pricing portfolio to reach consumers with maximum profitability. Get a comprehensive view of consumer economics trends into the future that can magnify the impact of survey data.
Tellusant manages the only source of globally harmonized age and consumer classes data. We have worked with the information and know how to maximize its use within companies, both within products and new innovation.
Contact us to learn more about custom solutions or TelluBase
Tellusant’s products support companies and organizations with a range of strategic issues.
We also provide consulting services leveraging our products.
PoluSim solves a fundamental problem: To create your strategy and allocate resources, you need a clear view of the future with the flexibility for changing scenarios. It must include:
1) economic projections
2) links to product and competitive trends
3) implications when changing prices, marketing, and distribution
4) unified data across categories, players, and products
5) the ability to clearly link forecast implications to actions and strategies
In the past this was a months long process. PoluSim is a one-stop app to make this process fast, accurate, and repeatable.
It builds on a foundation in microeconomics applied within in computational framework infused with decades of experience of Tellusant’s leaders.
With PoluSim, explore the future with confidence in any location.
Underpinning PoluSim is our proprietary information hub, TelluBase.
TelluBase is the external information hub every company and organization needs. It is the only database in world that breaks down consumer groups by consumer classes and age level across countries, subnational divisions, cities, and years.
This unique database allows you to understand and quantify market opportunities at a granular level beyond what is possible today.
Now with Ask TelluBase, a GPT-like AI that can answer any questions using TelluBase data.
For example, you can see the size of middle class consumers in Delhi, India in 2040 vs Paris, France in 2010 vs Bogota, Colombia today with just a few clicks. You can experience the growth of affluent consumers over the next 10 years in countries from Viet Nam to Ethiopia to Poland.
With TelluBase your perspective on the world will change forever. It is truly the world as no one has seen it before.
TelluBase was developed from more than 30 years of effort to build the complexity for this revolutionary information.
While it is often easy to understand how big a market is, it is much harder to find out how big it can be.
PACE finds out quantitatively what your latent demand is, both across and within markets.
Suddenly you can start discussing how to compete in a market rather than just about market share.
PACE does this by letting you see how many consumers qualify for your product given their level of income, change price assumptions, and map out a comprehensive portfolio.
Underpinning PACE is our proprietary information hub, TelluBase.
Tellusant supports strategic decision-making on topics including:
Our expertise comes from more than 50 years of experience working in top management consulting firms with executives across 120 countries.
Together with our products, we can address strategic questions faster, more effectively, and with higher precision than other consultants.
Additionally, we support product development for specific company strategic issues. Get in touch to learn more.
Individuals who need access to granular income and age distribution around the world
TelluBase is the world's only database to have globally harmonized, subnational, detailed income and age distribution data
Personnel involved in strategy, from managers to executives
Ensures formal strategic planning uses repeatable and reliable tools for analytical questions
Executives and personnel involved in strategy and strategic planning
Makes the strategic planning faster, more reliable, and more robust Frees up executive time to be spent on the most important tasks
“Incredibly powerful. Your forecasting identified 300% more growth accurately in our category over the past 10 years versus all other projections at the time”
“Your products combine intellect and practice in a unique way”
“PACE and TelluSim are for sure something companies need”
“We have internalized and routinized our global strategic planning process with Tellusant as the partner”
“A brilliant way to see the implications of pricing decisions on profitability in a scientific and mathematical fashion”
“There is nothing on the planet that can deliver critical insights on demand in the way TelluPlan does”
“95% of the time we were doing things we already knew. With TelluPlan, we can free up space to think about what we want to do”
“TelluPlan lets us improve accuracy by centralizing how we do analysis while giving local areas the ability to see what we are doing”
“PACE provides insights and information I have never seen before”
Tellusant, Inc. and NorthLight Analytic Partners Inc are proud to announce a global strategic partnership based on our leaders’ almost 20 years of collaboration.
This quantitative analysis uses TelluBase data to assess the risk of nations for 213 countries. By defining risk in accordance with Prof. Frank Knight’s principles¹, the approach provides a precise and rigorous understanding of risk.
The October 2022 World Economic Outlook by the International Monetary Fund is out. Headline: soft 2023 but no need to panic…