Why PoluSim?

  • Gain consistency in planning
  • Modernize strategic decisions
  • Have one trusted source of information

Gain consistency in planning

Improve accuracy in planning

Planning process is based on rigorous methods and statistics refined over the past 20 years

Have a trusted plan

Strategic decisions come from a systematized process that ensures every issue is considered for all users

Organize your process

Planning is easily repeatable and updateable to be optimized each year

Modernize strategic decisions

Reduce cost of strategic planning

Scenario considerations take minutes instead of weeks

Continuous, flexible updates

Changes can be made in days to strategic plans so when the world changes so can strategy

No more version control issues

Replace the need to manually use Excel and PowerPoint to source prior information

Have one trusted source of information

Integrated information

Data can be used within the platform and for any other uses within the company

Always up to date

Latest information is always available without any worry for version control

Checked by experts

We make sure new data before it is added to the product so it is always consistent

Key features

Leading-edge methods

Forecasting is based on decades of experience building statistical models, with flexible adjustments to fit to any company’s needs. Forecasting conducted on the monthly basis (for 1 year) and yearly basis (up to 20 years). Granularity can include categories, segments, brands, and SKUs

View previous performance of forecasts basis through the Model Validation tool. Users can explore the back-testing accuracy

Create and save customized demand forecasting scenarios for any with the Scenario Manager tool. Use Tellusant’s demand forecasting models and easily adjust the assumptions to test effects on demand and explore alternate outcomes instantaneously
Complete source of truth

Past and future macroeconomic trends for key variables including population, disposable income, age and consumer classes brackets around the world and within countries. Globally harmonized covering more than 27,000 locations

View and download a single source of truth across demand drivers and sales information with the Data Manager tool. Users may also upload new data to be integrated into the platform

New data from TelluBase, methods, charts, and interactivity added during subscription. As new data comes from company, it is incorporated within days into the product
Easy to use platform

Tap into the knowledge base of Tellusant’s highly experienced team as needed to ensure your organization gets the most out of PoluSim

Explore pre-built and customizable charts and visualizations with high relevance to strategic decision making. All charts included in PoluSim provide the easiest way to show, compare and understand the market demand data

Download any charts, all data accessible and exportable

PoluSim provides all approved users within a company access to the exact same, reliable datasets and visualizations from anywhere in the world. User permissions designed to allow company to set as many users as desired to have access

Product can be white labeled to be used as a component in other products and platforms

How to get started

We recommend 3 options for getting started:

Ask for a demo

Ask for a demo to learn how PoluSim works and can help

Let us review

Let us review your strategic materials and we suggest an approach after we have signed an NDA

Contact us

Contact us to see if PoluSim can address a specific challenge you’re facing

See How PoluSim Can Predict Demand for Your Company

Get a demo to see how PoluSim can help your business. In 30 minutes, you will: 1) Learn actionable insights about leveraging new strategic tools 2) See our PoluSim product in action 3) Get insights from experts in incorporating PoluSim into strategic decisions

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