Tellusant Resources

We publish leading-edge insights and thoughts about management science, strategy development, strategic forecasting, urban and rural economics, and more.

CEO Actions for Handling Inflation

Key personnel involved in strategy, from directors to executives Private equity firms supporting portfolio companies…

Impact of Inflation on Industry Demand

Should executives make adjustments based on the currently high inflation levels. It seems obvious that the answer is yes…

What Drives Current Inflation?

Inflation is the economic topic of our times. It is to a large extend driven by the Federal Reserve’s and other central banks’ monetary policies. What causes this inflation?

Inflation Characteristics

In part 1 of our five-part series on inflation, we review how inflation is measured in a consumer price index, how it differs between countries, and the current level of inflation…

U.S. Cities Affluence in 2020

This 24 seconds video shows the affluence for 384 U.S. cities by octile in 2020. It starts with the poorest and ends with the richest. Watch it full screen. It is an extract from from our TelluBase database which covers 218 countries, 2600 cities, and 2500 subdivisions.

A Lightweight Note on Success in M&A

This note summarizes our findings on what drives success in corporate mergers and acquisitions. [2 pages]

The Corporate Growth Tesseract

en looking at This is an academic paper by Tellusant’s chairman on the corporate growth tesseract. You can grow by reach, depth, breadth, or value.

What Drives Successful Corporate Decision Making?

Companies are often described as decision factories. Based on academic literature and extensive interviews, we created this Tellusant decision-making framework.

Understanding Corporate Planning Layers

Over the years, we have found that many executives are unclear about the distinction between strategy development, strategic planning, and financial budgeting…

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