The October 2022 World Economic Outlook by the International Monetary Fund is out. Headline: soft 2023 but no need to panic…
What are the uses for TelluBase? We highlight six examples in this Quick Read. They cover several industries and applications.
In 2024, a leading fast-moving consumer goods company with global operations partnered with Tellusant to revolutionize its predictive capabilities with our strategic forecasting solution PoluSim.
Quantifying market opportunities requires clear definitions that are the same between and within countries. The Triple-A (Addressable – Available – Actual) market sizing method provides this.
In 2024, Tellusant engaged with a company that began to see a slowdown in its extended periods of growth. The company worried its global growth opportunities had reached their limit, so this effort aimed to adjust the strategy to reach the next stage of growth.
This case study highlights the successful use of TelluBase data to provide detailed strategic insights into market trends and consumer behavior.
This short document describes how sophisticated and careful our long-term predictive models are and allows readers to glean under the hood.
This video shows the global middle class growth from 2000 till 2040. It is based on our TelluBase database.
If a company does not use dynamic income elasticities applied to expected income income growth when predicting the future, it has nothing..
Sizing and predicting global consumer goods markets is difficult. This academic article in Problems and Perspectives in Management by Tellusant’s chairman gives the theoretical underpinning for how income distribution data solve the problem. [10 pages]