Our new TelluBase 2025 geographic coverage map shows the now 2,571 cities and 2,522 primary subdivisions (and 218 countries).
The most important change is that we now cover 77 provinces in Thailand instead of 5 regions. We have also made smaller changes to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Mali, Trinidad and Tobago, and Yemen.
The TelluBase geographic coverage 2025 map is part of our Maps Library. Visit the TelluBase dedicated site here.
TelluBase is the external information hub every company and organization needs. It is the only database in world that breaks down consumer groups by classes and age level across countries, cities, subdivisions, and years.
TelluBase covers 218 countries, 2600 cities, 2500 primary subdivisions (and 25000 secondary subdivisions) for 2000–2050.
This unique database allows you to understand and quantify consumer economics at a granular level beyond what is possible today.
For a deeper description of TelluBase, go here. You can also visit the dedicated TelluBase site where you can subscribe to the data.
We also offer the enterprise strategic forecasting solution PoluSim which incorporates TelluBase automatically.
It offers one place to access consistent sales and demand data. You can view robust, relevant forecasts. Additionally, you can plan sales scenarios monthly and yearly.
PoluSim has been deployed in more than 100 countries.
To learn more about our economic insights, TelluBase or PoluSim, please fill in this form . Alternatively, send an email to info@tellusant.com.