TelluBase has been updated with new forecasts for the global economy by country, city, and subdivision in 2025 and beyond.¹ We have aggregated this to the global level to compare 2025 with 1970-2024 in a histogram.
The graph shows that the 2025 growth in the global economy will be slightly better than average and in line with recent years. 2025 is in the 5th decile from the top and ranks 18th among 55 years. This is a satisfactory performance.
We make the crucial adjustment of calculating GDP growth per working-age person (and not total GDP growth or GDP per capita growth).
The working-age population is what generates GDP (together with capital). We anticipate lower GDP growth now because the working-age population growth has halved since the 1990s.. With the adjustment, we can see the true development.
A conclusion is that the economic growth is normal; the larger issues are demographic changes with declining and aging populations.
Add 1 percentage point to the highlighted years in the graph to get the approximate full GDP growth.
Purchasing power parity (PPP) weights are used to sum up the individual countries to the global level.
Another update is due in May, 2025. We update TelluBase twice a year with ad hoc updates more often if called for.
TelluBase is the external information hub every company and organization needs. It is the only database in world that breaks down consumer groups by classes and age level across countries, cities, subdivisions, and years.
TelluBase covers 218 countries, 2600 cities, 2500 primary subdivisions (and 25000 secondary subdivisions, including the Nigerian LGAs) for 2000–2050.
This unique database allows you to understand and quantify consumer economics at a granular level beyond what is possible today.
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¹ This includes new data from World Economic Outlook (WEO) by the International Monetary Fund and the USDA Economic Research Service‘s International Baseline Data.