Why StrategyAI?

  • Comprehensive, repeatable strategic plans
  • Seamlessly collaborate
  • Centralized hub for strategy and data

Comprehensive, repeatable strategic plans

Know that strategic plans cover everything needed

With approved templates and clearly sourced information and analysis, all information is complete and accurate

Easily update plans on demand

Strategic plans can be flexible as new situations arise, so the timeline to update strategic choices is dramatically reduced

Leverage advanced analytics seamlessly

Tellusant’s experts help to ensure strategic templates include the outcomes advanced analytics without the unnecessary details

Seamlessly collaborate

Remote and collaborative work friendly

Leave comments, responsibilities, and questions. Send pre-reads and get immediate feedback directly in presentations

No version control issues

New presentations and stories are saved automatically, with permissions designed to ensure there is never confusion

One location to find all needed strategic information

All information is connected across other TelluPlan products and automatically updated in the cloud

Centralized hub for strategy and data

Comparisons always available

Since information across TelluPlan drives StrategyAI, users can make any comparisons live

Dramatically speed up analysis to presentation timeline

Connections mean that there is no need to populate charts or design slides

Key features

Stories and presentations in minutes

Templates are designed by companies with Tellusant’s expertise, so they include all relevant topics

View different markets, consider new scenarios, and deep dive into topics during presentations without changing the screen

Add additional components to stories based on an agreed set of restrictions, so strategic documents are always relevant and comprehensive
Complete data and information integration

Share all the insights from other components of TelluPlan with complete integration

All information can be checked and confirmed, so there are no questions over the information and data presented

All presentations and stories are available for download into other presentation formats
Live interactivity

Ask questions, discuss, and assign tasks throughout any shared presentation

Filter flexibility to present all relevant cuts of information, and visuals designed based on the topics presented

Set who is responsible for creating, managing, and approving strategic documents

How to get started

We recommend 3 options for getting started:

Ask for a demo

Ask for a demo to learn how TelluPlan works and can help

Let us review

Let us review your strategic materials and we suggest an approach after we have signed an NDA

Contact us

Contact us to see if TelluPlan can address a specific challenge you’re facing

Review our page about how we work with you for more details on the process


Want to see the product?

Request a Demo