We publish leading-edge insights and thoughts about management science, strategy development, strategic forecasting, urban and rural economics, and more.
This page gives descriptions and links to our extensive library of Tellusant Quick Reads—mostly two-pagers on important management topics relating to our expertise.
We create videos about our products, from our travels, with our analyses, and more. Here is the Tellusant Videos Library.
This short document describes how sophisticated and careful our long-term predictive models are and allows readers to glean under the hood.
Do you know who, where, and when your consumers are buying your products? Globally? By city? In 2027?
A company is more than management and technicalities. It is art as well. However, most companies wade through time with a dull sheen, without a thought to what makes humanity grand.
The most important decisions in times of high inflation are pricing related. Here we describe methods for how companies should optimize pricing…
We summarize some of our projects in the case studies library. They quickly give an impression of who we work for, why we are engaged, and what we do.
How has consumer demand been impacted by price increases? Have those price increases been above inflation? Read our latest white paper which removes the haziness around the consumer impact of pricing.
We provide free TelluBase data to select public institutions and media. These are small, but important, subsets of the full product. The public services library showcases some examples.