We publish leading-edge insights and thoughts about management science, strategy development, strategic forecasting, urban and rural economics, and more.
We are pleased to announce our strategic partnership with Berumen y Asociados.
These are presentations that showcase our work and thoughts. They are not client confidential.
We now keep a newsroom with our press releases. It is located on the EIN Presswire site.
Tellusant’s work is anchored in science. We therefore write academic papers on topics relevant to our managed services.
This page gives descriptions and links to our extensive library of Tellusant Quick Reads—two-pagers on important management topics relating to our expertise.
We create videos about our products, from our travels, with our analyses, and more. Here is the Tellusant Video Library.
This short document describes how sophisticated and careful our long-term predictive models are and allows readers to glean under the hood.
Quantifying market opportunities requires clear definitions that are the same between and within countries. The Addressable – Available – Actual market sizing method provides this.
Do you know who, where, and when your consumers are buying your products? Globally? By city? In 2027?