We run the Tellusant Innovation Center of Excellence with leading-edge insights and thinking about management strategy
Learn about Tellusant’s vision for how corporate planning will become more accurate, faster, and more efficient. This vision is the foundation for our company and its raison d’être.
How fast have companies grown over the last year? The real (inflation-adjusted) growth rate is the only way to answer this…
What should large companies do when experiencing a performance crisis? The answers are situational, but there are a some general observations…
What is the etymology of Tellusant? It derives from Tellus and Quantitative…
Sizing and predicting global consumer goods markets is difficult. This academic article in Problems and Perspectives in Management by Tellusant’s chairman gives the theoretical underpinning for how our products solve the problem. 10 pages.
The Gastown Steam Clock in Vancouver is the perfect metaphor for innovation in business. The steam clock is a major innovation, the kind that companies only can dream of. Nothing like it existed before.
Key personnel involved in strategy, from directors to executives Private equity firms supporting portfolio companies…
Should executives make adjustments based on the currently high inflation levels. It seems obvious that the answer is yes…
Inflation is the economic topic of our times. It is to a large extend driven by the Federal Reserve’s and other central banks’ monetary policies. What causes this inflation?