How are TelluBase data used? We highlight six examples in this Quick Read. They cover a wide range of industries and applications.
We are pleased to introduce our latest add-on to TelluBase: the Nigeria Local Government Area dataset.¹ Over the years, we have worked extensively in the country and know how valuable reliable consumer-level information is.
Read about our ideas and thoughts and view our videos. Enjoy our art collection. This page is the entry point to various sub-libraries.
These are presentations that showcase our work and thoughts. They are not client confidential.
Tellusant’s work is anchored in science. We therefore write academic papers on topics relevant to our managed services.
This page gives descriptions and links to our extensive library of Tellusant Quick Reads—two-pagers on important management topics relating to our expertise.
We create videos about our products, from our travels, with our analyses, and more. Here is the Tellusant Video Library.
A company is more than management and technicalities. It is art as well. However, most companies wade through time with a dull sheen, without a thought to what makes humanity grand.
We summarize some of our projects with cases studies. They quickly give an impression of who we work for, why we are engaged, and what we do.
We provide free TelluBase data to select public data sources.These are small, but important, subsets of the full product.
Tellusant generates an immense number of maps for our cloud-based apps. Here are some useful examples.
We use Microsoft Sway to create punchy, cross-platform presentations. They are typically for introducing a topic without too much detail.