We run the Tellusant Innovation Center of Excellence with leading-edge insights and thinking about management strategy
The most important decisions in times of high inflation are pricing related. Here we describe methods for how companies should optimize pricing…
We summarize some of our projects with cases studies. They quickly give an impression of who we work for, why we are engaged, and what we do.
How has consumer demand been impacted by price increases? Have those price increases been above inflation? Read our latest white paper which removes the haziness.
We provide free TelluBase data to select public data sources.These are small, but important, subsets of the full product.
Tellusant generates an immense number of maps for our cloud-based apps. Here are some useful examples.
We use Microsoft Sway to create punchy, cross-platform presentations. They are typically for introducing a topic without too much detail.
See a map of the 2,600 cities and 2,500 subdivisions Tellusant covers. The map uses the Canback Map Projection©, moving continents and countries to make best use of screen space.
This video shows how the global middle class evolves from 2000 till 2040. It is based on our TelluBase dataset.
Tellusant often works with beverage companies covering categories from bottled water to beer. A fundamental metric to quantify when analyzing market growth is how much water the human body needs. We have therefore developed the Tellusant Water Intake Calculator.