What makes Tellusant’s products unique? Our competitive advantage comes from integrating several capabilities. We are not a company building BI software. Nor do we sell data. We provide strategic solutions.
The graph shows our product architecture that competition cannot replicate. One may think of it as “the house of Tellusant.”
1. DATA LAYER. Our products integrate data from our proprietary database TelluBase. TelluBase is totally unique and not replicable by any company or academic institution. TelluBase tells our models who can afford what products anywhere in the world (213 countries, 2,600 subdivisions, 2,500 cities). It does this by income fractile and age brackets.
TelluBase is only sold as an integrated part of our products. It complements customer demand data such as sellout statistics or syndicated category, brand, SKU data.
2. STRATEGY EXPERTISE LAYER. We are not a company of software developers who know nothing about markets, competition, and trade. We have decades of strategy development expertise. We hold our own in a discussion with the CEO of any global company.
This expertise is infused into our modeling. What we deliver is realistic and useful because we know what the boundaries of outputs are and how executives think and use our models.
3. AI SOFTWARE LAYER. We use AI to create sophisticated products that draw on the data and our expertise. Our models represent the state-of-the-art in methods (see, e.g., this high level description https://zcu.io/25k5).
Our software is anchored in robust microeconomic foundations. A detailed example is found in “Where in the World Is the Market?” by one of our principals: https://zcu.io/unEb
4. ADAPTIVE UI. Our user interfaces adapt to the issues at hand. It allows for scenario development that can be saved and contrasted by company team members around the world.
The UI is simple considering the complex problems that are solved. We provide training to make sure customer analysts and users are skilled at leveraging our products.
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Tellusant’s goal is to modernize strategic planning processes. Today 100% of companies use primitive processes from the 1900s. They can be summarized by “Excel-Powerpoint-Email” (lately supplemented by video). This is a dreadful and unacceptable state of affairs.
Over time, our UI will evolve into a full platform for strategic planning that eliminates the tardiness and sloppiness of current approaches. Already today we have some of the most important solutions available in TelluPlan.
Think of Tellusant as a company that spans several domains. Not as a data company, a software company, or consulting firm. It is our ability to integrate across these that make us:
• Ultra-sophisticated
• Unique
• Useful