Our strategic planning platform TelluPlan is based on a robust analytical framework called EMIO (Environment—Market—Initiatives—Outcome). It is a synthesis of the thinking of the giants of the past and thus rooted in solid micro-economic theory.
Read about our ideas and thoughts and view our videos. Enjoy our art collection. This page is the entry point to various sub-libraries.
Quantifying market opportunities requires clear definitions that are the same between and within countries. The Addressable – Available – Actual market sizing method provides this.
These are presentations that showcase our work and thoughts. They are not client confidential.
Tellusant’s work is anchored in science. We therefore write academic papers on topics relevant to our managed services.
This page gives descriptions and links to our extensive library of Tellusant Quick Reads—two-pagers on important management topics relating to our expertise.
We create videos about our products, from our travels, with our analyses, and more. Here is the Tellusant Video Library.
This short document describes how sophisticated and careful our long-term predictive models are and allows readers to glean under the hood.
The most important decisions in times of high inflation are pricing related. Here we describe methods for how companies should optimize pricing…
We summarize some of our projects with cases studies. They quickly give an impression of who we work for, why we are engaged, and what we do.
How has consumer demand been impacted by price increases? Have those price increases been above inflation? Read our latest white paper which removes the haziness.
We provide free TelluBase data to select public data sources.These are small, but important, subsets of the full product.
We use Microsoft Sway to create punchy, cross-platform presentations. They are typically for introducing a topic without too much detail.
This video shows how the global middle class evolves from 2000 till 2040. It is based on our TelluBase dataset.
Tellusant often works with beverage companies covering categories from bottled water to beer. A fundamental metric to quantify when analyzing market growth is how much water the human body needs. We have therefore developed the Tellusant Water Intake Calculator.
There is a sad state of affairs at the large management consulting firms — MBB¹. Not the quality of deliverables. The lack of productivity is the issue.
The October 2022 World Economic Outlook by the International Monetary Fund is out. Headline: soft 2023 but no need to panic…
If a company does not use dynamic income elasticities applied to expected income income growth when predicting the future, it has nothing..
[8092 views] In inflationary times, consumers are adjusting their price beliefs. Here is Tellusant’s holistic perspective on FMCG pricing mechanisms.
Tellusant’s focus is on streamlining corporate higher-order cognitive processes…
How fast have companies grown over the last year? The real (inflation-adjusted) growth rate is the only way to answer this…
What should large companies do when experiencing a performance crisis? The answers are situational, but there are a some general observations…
Sizing and predicting global consumer goods markets is difficult. This academic article in Problems and Perspectives in Management by Tellusant’s chairman gives the theoretical underpinning for how our products solve the problem. 10 pages.
The Gastown Steam Clock in Vancouver is the perfect metaphor for innovation in business. The steam clock is a major innovation, the kind that companies only can dream of. Nothing like it existed before.
Key personnel involved in strategy, from directors to executives Private equity firms supporting portfolio companies…
Should executives make adjustments based on the currently high inflation levels. It seems obvious that the answer is yes…
Inflation is the economic topic of our times. It is to a large extend driven by the Federal Reserve’s and other central banks’ monetary policies. What causes this inflation?
In part 1 of our five-part series on inflation, we review how inflation is measured in a consumer price index, how it differs between countries, and the current level of inflation…
See the current economic growth expectations in a Sway presentation. Based on April 2022 forecasts.
This 24 seconds video shows affluence for 384 U.S. cities by octile in 2020. It starts with the poorest and ends with the richest. Watch it full screen. It is an extract from from our product TelluBase which covers 218 countries, 2600 cities, and 2500 subdivisions.
Tellusant’s strategy guide gives a rigorous view of how to define strategic planning and how to optimize the work flow to create the plans. 22 pages.
This note summarizes findings on what drives success in corporate M&A. 2 pages.
An academic paper by Tellusant’s chairman on how companies grow: by reach, depth, breadth, or value. 4 pages.
Companies are often described as decision factories. Based on academic literature and extensive interviews, we created this Tellusant decision-making framework.
Over the years, we have found that many executives are unclear about the distinction between strategy development, strategic planning, and financial budgeting…
This academic article explores the nature and magnitude of diseconomies of scale in corporations. It is a summary of our chairman’s doctoral dissertation and contains the graphs in our Overview section.
Here is advice for current and future business analysts at large corporations or consulting firms. Your most important goal is to add value. This means thinking long and hard about whether you copy, tabulate or analyze information. Only analysis truly adds value. We think of information manipulation as a three-level hierarchy. Copy This is the […]